Nobuhiro Funakushi (admitted in Japan) has joined the firm and is currently working at our Marunouchi Office.
Nobuhiro Funakushi (admitted in Japan) has joined the firm and is currently working at our Marunouchi Office.
An article written by So Saito and Kazuki Imanari of our firm was published in LIR Japan(Second edition).
An article written by So Saito and Shinpei Asano of our firm was published in "SFJ JOURNAL Vol.27".
An article written by So Saito of our firm was published in "Securitization Handbook/2023ver.".
An article written by So Saito and Kazuki Imanari of our firm was published in LIR Japan(First edition).
We are pleased to announce that our firm will be sponsoring the SHIBUYA CITY FC soccer team (SCFC) .
SCFC is a soccer club aiming for the J-League from Shibuya. Under the philosophy of "PLAYNEW & SCRAMBLE," the team advocates the creation of an unprecedented creative soccer club with new and playful activities on and off the pitch that take advantage of Shibuya's diversity.
As a firm with many clients based in Shibuya, we would like to support them in their future endeavors.
We agree with the team's philosophy and aim to contribute the growth and success of both the team and local community and inspiring individuals to pursue and realize one's dreams.
Both new graduates and mid-career positions are available.
If you are interested in joining us, please contact to
Yo Tamura (admitted in Japan and New York) has joined the firm and is currently working at our Marunouchi Office.
So Saito’s comments were published in the Nihon Keizai shimbun.
So Saito‘s comments were published in the Asian Legal Business(December 2022).
“Metaverse & NFT” Written by So Saito and others, was published by Impress Corporation.
So Saito of our office was selected as the FinTech field of Chambers and Partners.
An article written by So Saito and Shinpei Asano of our firm was published in Kinzai Weekly No. 3467.
An article written by So Saito of our firm was published in NBL Magazine No.1221.
So Saito’s comments were published in the Asian Legal Business(June 2022).
Our firm was selected as one of the “Top 10 Law Firms to Watch” in the Japanese edition of Asian Legal Business.