William Gillespie became a senior counsel of So & Sato Law Office in October 2023. A Californian and graduate of the University of California Los Angeles, William has an uncommon combination of international legal and business experience. Completing undergraduate studies, he started and sold a technology business, before finishing law school and beginning his legal career as a trial lawyer at a top U.S. law firm. Moving to Tokyo in 1997, William developed expertise advising venture businesses, first as a lawyer and then in private equity. He has served as a strategic and business development advisor to global and Japanese law firms. His passion remains venture business, having founded, built, advised, financed and exited high growth companies during the course of his career in the U.S., U.K. and 20 plus years in Japan, China and South Korea.
Main business areas
Private equity, venture capital, emerging companies, corporate M&A, international disputes
English, Japanese, Mandarin